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TICTI is a not-for-profit Massachusetts corporation and also has federal nonprofit 501(c)3 status as a charitable organization. Your contribution will be tax-deductible, to the extent that such deductions may apply to your own tax situation.

When you make a donation to a specific project, 100% of your donation will be used for that project. However,

  • If the project you donated to is over-funded, we will make an effort to expand the project to utilize the funds. If that is not possible, the surplus funds will be used for a project as similar as possible to the original one.
  • If the project you donated to cannot happen for some reason (e.g., the opportunity disappears because of war, dissolution of the collaborating organization, etc.), the funds will be used for a project as similar as possible to the original one.

Your gift can be made in honor or memory of the person(s) and/or event of your choice. You will be invited to provide instructions in this regard when making the donation.