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Collaborative Therapy

Collaborative Therapy

Collaborative Therapy

Do you ever have clients with whom you feel you are not making enough progress? This could be due to unresolved trauma or loss. Collaborative therapy can help.

In the typical hour-per-week session, the client’s pressing concerns may take most of the session time. Then there is not enough time for a client to work through their traumatic memories. Clients may feel discouraged when the trauma does not get resolved and their problems persist.

Imagine your client having the space to actually work through – not just talk about or touch upon – past hurts, so it no longer controls their mind, body, and soul. Imagine them having hope that things can change – because they’re actually experiencing the change.

When you refer your client for an intensive, collaborative therapy can be more than just “a bunch of therapy at once.” It is focused, without the distractions of having to get back to a work meeting, kids, or other daily responsibilities. It is tailored to the client so they are able to process the trauma and loss. Working through the trauma will accelerate the healing of related symptoms that have been getting in the way. With our collaborative therapy, your clients are able to make significant progress in a matter of days.

At TICTI, we are not only trauma-informed; we are trauma-focused. We specialize in collaborative therapy, working together with the client’s primary therapist. We guide people through the trauma healing phase of therapy, which typically takes 3 to 10 days, using our intensive trauma therapy model.

Our model features the most efficient and well-tolerated of the research-supported trauma healing methods: Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)Progressive Counting (PC), and the Flash technique.

Collaborative therapy does not replace or disrupt your ongoing therapy. It is meant to supplement and advance your work.

Typically, these are the kind of foundational threads that are woven between you – as the primary therapist – and your client, before your client will be ready for collaborative therapy with TICTI:

  • Coaching your clients on how to build a support system and teaching clients how to reach out for help when they need it
  • Teaching your clients how to identify their emotions
  • Developing coping skills to be able to self-soothe from difficult emotional states
  • Gaining some awareness of dissociative states and learning how to be present in the body


After the intensive, your client will continue to work with you. Some of this work is likely to include:

  • Reinforcement of newly developed positive belief systems (for example, if the belief is “I can learn who to trust”, then you may be working with your client to explore which people in their lives are trustworthy).
  • Continuing to encourage the use of coping strategies to manage difficult emotions, when they do come up.
  • Continuing to gain increased awareness of dissociative states and strategies to minimize them.
  • Encouraging clients to set new goals for themselves in light of their shift in perspective and insight gained from trauma processing.
  • Encouraging clients to reevaluate relationships which may be limiting their ability to heal and grow.


We would, of course, be available should your client need to return for more intensive work.  Our team values the relationships that therapists have with their clients; we work with the primary therapist to support them in their mission to help their clients reach their goals.

Why Work with TICTI for Collaborative Therapy?

  • TICTI has been an international leader in intensive trauma therapy since 2009. Our leadership and training programs have led to the growing popularity of intensive trauma therapy.
  • Our founder and executive director, Ricky Greenwald, PsyD, is a leading expert in EMDR and Flash, and the developer of Progressive Counting (PC) as well as our intensive trauma therapy model.
  • TICTI has been chosen to operate grant-funded programs to provide intensives to victims of crime in Western MA; students and their caregivers in Wilmington, NC; court-involved adults in Rochester, NY; and through a special relationship with Kaiser Permanente, at-risk teens in Northern CA, When someone wants the leading authority in trauma therapy intensives, they come to us.
  • We’re the only organization in the country that offers our research-supported intensive therapy model.
  • We use the most effective and efficient of the research-supported trauma healing methods, including EMDR, PC, and the Flash technique, as well as (if/as needed) attachment work, Internal Family Systems (IFS) and other parts work modalities, art therapy, and more.
  • Clients get all or most of their trauma work done in a couple of days to a couple of weeks, and then resume therapy with their existing therapist.
  • Consistent with the research findings, our clients report positive and lasting results.

How do I get my client started with Collaborative Therapy?

TICTI offers free consultations with one of our experienced trauma therapists to assess whether your client is a good fit for collaborative therapy at this time.

Call us at 413-282-7797 or fill out the form below.


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For more information about our collaborative therapy.

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Where to Next?

The institute provides therapy, training, consultation, information, and resources for those who work with trauma-exposed children, adolescents, and adults. Where would you like to go next?